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Vibe 1-User License

Nová základní licence, je nutno objednat společně s podporou kod 301213.


Add-on 1 node license

Centralized Management Software CC2000 ATEN's CC2000 Management Software – updated with new, powerful, features including VMware support – provides IT administrators with the tools they need to access and control their entire distributed data center e


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Add-on 1 node license

Video Session Recorder CCVSR The Control Center Video Session Recorder (CCVSR) is ATEN´s innovative software designed to securely record the video and operation of computers accessed through KVM over IP Switches. The software automatically records a


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VK Training Kit


ZENworks Service Desk Standard Edition Renewal Business Support 1-Year

SUSE Linux Enterprise Mono Extension for IBM zSeries (per Engine) 1-Year Subscription


Aten VK Additional License


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Aten UNIZON Maintenance License (Additional 1 Year)

Centralized management, monitoring, and control for ATEN Ethernet-based AV solutions Real-time device monitoring and tracking – automatically detects and shows device connection status, hardware conditions, and firmware versions for remote maintenance an


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Add-on 10 nodes licenses

Centralized Management Software CC2000 ATEN's CC2000 Management Software – updated with new, powerful, features including VMware support – provides IT administrators with the tools they need to access and control their entire distributed data center e


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Control center video session recorder 1, 8 NODES

Video Session Recorder CCVSR The Control Center Video Session Recorder (CCVSR) is ATEN´s innovative software designed to securely record the video and operation of computers accessed through KVM over IP Switches. The software automatically records a


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Add-on 8 node licenses

Video Session Recorder CCVSR The Control Center Video Session Recorder (CCVSR) is ATEN´s innovative software designed to securely record the video and operation of computers accessed through KVM over IP Switches. The software automatically records a


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Aten UNIZON Maintenance License (Additional 3 Years)

Centralized management, monitoring, and control for ATEN Ethernet-based AV solutions Real-time device monitoring and tracking – automatically detects and shows device connection status, hardware conditions, and firmware versions for remote maintenance an


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CCVSR Server add Archive Server license.

Video Session Recorder CCVSR The Control Center Video Session Recorder (CCVSR) is ATEN´s innovative software designed to securely record the video and operation of computers accessed through KVM over IP Switches. The software automatically records a


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Control center video session recorder 1, 16 NODES

Video Session Recorder CCVSR The Control Center Video Session Recorder (CCVSR) is ATEN´s innovative software designed to securely record the video and operation of computers accessed through KVM over IP Switches. The software automatically records a


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Add-on 50 nodes licenses

Centralized Management Software CC2000 ATEN's CC2000 Management Software – updated with new, powerful, features including VMware support – provides IT administrators with the tools they need to access and control their entire distributed data center e


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Add-on 16 node licenses

Video Session Recorder CCVSR The Control Center Video Session Recorder (CCVSR) is ATEN´s innovative software designed to securely record the video and operation of computers accessed through KVM over IP Switches. The software automatically records a


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Aten Unizon-BASIC Globální platforma pro správu AV – kompatibilní s TAA

ATEN Unizon™ je serverový software pro vzdálené centralizované monitorování, ovládání a správu přepínačů ATEN Video Matrix na bázi Ethernetu, rezervačního systému ATEN Room Booking System a zařízení třetích stran (jako jsou projektory, světla a AV zařízen...


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Aten Control Center Over the NET Extra Lite Pack: 1 Primary; 64 Nodes

Single sign-on to consolidate the management of ATEN’s KVM over IP switches, serial console servers, intelligent PDU, and third party devices such as embedded service processor, and physical and virtual servers Support Windows AD, LDAP, Kerberos, RADIUS


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Aten UNIZON Maintenance License (Lifeime)

Centralized management, monitoring, and control for ATEN Ethernet-based AV solutions Real-time device monitoring and tracking – automatically detects and shows device connection status, hardware conditions, and firmware versions for remote maintenance an


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KE Matrix Management Software


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Control center video session recorder 1, 32 NODES

Video Session Recorder CCVSR The Control Center Video Session Recorder (CCVSR) is ATEN´s innovative software designed to securely record the video and operation of computers accessed through KVM over IP Switches. The software automatically records a


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Add-on 100 nodes licenses

Centralized Management Software CC2000 ATEN's CC2000 Management Software – updated with new, powerful, features including VMware support – provides IT administrators with the tools they need to access and control their entire distributed data center e


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Aten Control Center Over the NET Lite Pack: 1 Primary; 128 Nodes

Single sign-on to consolidate the management of ATEN’s KVM over IP switches, serial console servers, intelligent PDU, and third party devices such as embedded service processor, and physical and virtual servers Support Windows AD, LDAP, Kerberos, RADIUS


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CC2000 secondary add-on 1 slave license

Centralized Management Software CC2000 ATEN's CC2000 Management Software – updated with new, powerful, features including VMware support – provides IT administrators with the tools they need to access and control their entire distributed data center e


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Aten Control Center Over the NET Lite Plus Pack: 1 Primary; 256 Nodes

Single sign-on to consolidate the management of ATEN’s KVM over IP switches, serial console servers, intelligent PDU, and third party devices such as embedded service processor, and physical and virtual servers Support Windows AD, LDAP, Kerberos, RADIUS


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Aten UNIZON Standard License (500 devices / 3Y update)

Centralized management, monitoring, and control for ATEN Ethernet-based AV solutions Real-time device monitoring and tracking – automatically detects and shows device connection status, hardware conditions, and firmware versions for remote maintenance an


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Označené produkty

Označené produkty:




Vysvetlivky: Na ceste

Farby: Čierna = V cenníku; Modrá = Novinka; Oranžová = Výpredaj sklad.zásob; Červená = Akciový produkt; Zelená = Znížená cena; Fialová = Veľmi dôležitý produkt; Šedá = Dopredaj (koniec výroby); Zelená = Volať PM; Tyrkysová = Obmedzená dostupnosť; Oranžová = Mimoriadny výpredaj; Tmavorůžově = Cena do vypredania; Modrozeleně = Cena na dotaz; černá = R.I.P.; Zelená = Ukončená výroba; Zelená = Repas; = Promo special ;


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